Sermons from Yishun Christian Church (Anglican). We'd love to have you join us in person! Please visit YCCAnglican.com for more information.
Podcasting since 2023 • 111 episodes
Latest Episodes
Preparation for Return
Hello and welcome to our podcast. Today we begin a new sermon series encompassing Ezra and Nehemiah. Join Pastor Wei Yi as he kicks off our series from Ezra chapter 1 with his message entitled: “Preparation for Return”. May the Lord speak to al...
Episode 111
The Discipleship Gap
There are two ways that we can measure church growth. The first and more common way is by numerical growth, a rising number of people in the church. The second way however is at least equally important, and that is by depth. Join Revd D...
Episode 110
The Theology of Unbelief
What does it mean that God hardens hearts and blinds eyes? If God makes these choices, does it matter what we do? Join us in our final sermon from our Gospel of John series and examine together the theology of unbelief.
Episode 109
The Death and Resurrection of Lazarus
If you heard of a close friend who was suddenly in critical condition at the hospital, wouldn’t you immediately set everything aside and go to them? Yet in our passage today, Jesus chooses not to respond quickly. Instead, He delays, and when He...
Episode 108
Jesus as the Shepherd of the Sheep
What did Jesus mean when He says He is the Shepherd and the door of his sheep? What does it mean for us to hear and know the voice of the Great Shepherd today? Listen in as Revd. Daniel expounds John 10 and reflects on the love Jesus has for al...
Episode 107