Sermons from Yishun Christian Church (Anglican). We'd love to have you join us in person! Please visit YCCAnglican.com for more information.
115 episodes
Laying the Temple Foundation
In Ezra chapter 3 the foundation for the new temple is being laid and we see a response by the people of both celebration and weeping. In today's sermon, Pastor Wei Yi guides us through the question: What does this teach us about our worship of...
Episode 115

The Discipleship Malaise
Today's message concerns a most important topic – DISCIPLESHIP.Join Revd Daniel as he identifies the differences between a superficial state of discipleship and a true state of discipleship. Let’s prepare our hearts and commit to continued ...
Episode 114

Rebuilding and Dedicating the Altar
The Old Testament seems like it’s filled with altars and sacrifices, and Ezra chapter 3 is no exception. If you’ve ever felt like it has no real connection to our every day lives then this sermon is for you. Join me, Pastor Richard, as we conti...
Episode 113

Genealogical Record of the Returnees
Ezra chapter 2 includes a genealogical record of the returnees to Jerusalem. Join Revd Daniel as he unpacks the significance of this in their time, and the significance to us today.
Episode 112

Preparation for Return
Hello and welcome to our podcast. Today we begin a new sermon series encompassing Ezra and Nehemiah. Join Pastor Wei Yi as he kicks off our series from Ezra chapter 1 with his message entitled: “Preparation for Return”. May the Lord speak to al...
Episode 111

The Discipleship Gap
There are two ways that we can measure church growth. The first and more common way is by numerical growth, a rising number of people in the church. The second way however is at least equally important, and that is by depth. Join Revd D...
Episode 110

The Theology of Unbelief
What does it mean that God hardens hearts and blinds eyes? If God makes these choices, does it matter what we do? Join us in our final sermon from our Gospel of John series and examine together the theology of unbelief.
Episode 109

The Death and Resurrection of Lazarus
If you heard of a close friend who was suddenly in critical condition at the hospital, wouldn’t you immediately set everything aside and go to them? Yet in our passage today, Jesus chooses not to respond quickly. Instead, He delays, and when He...
Episode 108

Jesus as the Shepherd of the Sheep
What did Jesus mean when He says He is the Shepherd and the door of his sheep? What does it mean for us to hear and know the voice of the Great Shepherd today? Listen in as Revd. Daniel expounds John 10 and reflects on the love Jesus has for al...
Episode 107

Jesus Heals A Man Born Blind
What did Jesus mean when he says he is the Light of the world? What can the story of Jesus healing a man born blind and the Pharisees' reaction tell us about our own willful blindness? Ps. Richard expounds John 9:1-7 and shares his insights wit...
Episode 106

The Lord Reigns
Revd Peter Chen is a retired ordained minister who remains very active in preaching and teaching and he is our guest speaker this morning. Prepare your heart for his message entitled The Lord Reigns, on this the first Sunday of advent.
Episode 105

The Bread of Life
In the quiet moments do you feel and emptiness inside? That is called spiritual hunger. But often times we try to satisfy that hunger with false bread. Join Pastor Richard as we look at Jesus statement “I am the Bread of Life”.
Episode 104

The Feeding of the Five Thousand
What do Taylor Swift and Jesus have in common? Find out this and more as Ps Wei Yi shares about Jesus feeding the 5,000. What really took place and who did Jesus show Himself to be?
Episode 103

Jesus Heals the Official's Son
This morning Revd Daniel Teo shares from the Gospel of John Chapter 4 and begins with the question: If a prophet is not honoured in his hometown, why do the Galileans welcome Jesus? Let’s invite the Lord to speak through His word today.
Episode 102

Aging Positively for the Lord
This morning Guest Speaker Revd Dr William Wan speaks to both the aged and the aging, encouraging us that when we face the obstacles that come with aging, to glance at the problems, glance at the challenges, but gaze at the Lord.
Episode 101

Weddings and Wine
Welcome to the YCC Anglican podcast, this is our 100th episode and I’m so glad you’re with us today. Would you join me, Ps Richard, as we begin a new series based on selected passages in the Gospel according to John. Today we look at the first ...
Episode 100

Closing Encouragement
Pastor Wei Yi concludes our Book of James series with the challenge to confess our sins one to another. The risk of vulnerability is great, but the promise of freedom and healing is greater still. Let’s prepare our hearts for the word of the Lo...
Episode 99

Prayer and Forgiveness
This morning Revd Daniel exhorts us from scripture that in all times, whether good or bad, to remember God and the community He has placed us within. Let us not grow weary of going to the Lord in prayer but remain steadfast till we one day meet...
Episode 98

When We Welcome Children
When Jesus walked this earth He said: “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” Are we aligned with Jesus heart and actions towards children? This Sunday we celebrate children’s day ...
Episode 97
Rejection of Oaths
Jesus and James tell us to let our yes be yes and our no be no. Why are they so insistent on is not swearing oaths, and how do we live lives that are consistent with what we say?
Episode 96

Patience, Unity, Trust
Patiently endure tensions and opposition, actively pursue unity within the church family, and trust that our Master is coming again soon and will make all things right.
Episode 95

The Power and Peril of Money
This morning Pastor Wei Yi leads us into the 5th and final chapter in the book of James. Join us in examining the scriptures as we look at the power and peril of money.
Episode 94

Test of Wealth
Gretchen Rubin once wrote “The days are long but the years are short” and for many of us we can readily agree with this statement. In todays passage we are reminded of a sobering truth: our lives are like a mist that appears for a while, then v...
Episode 93